The Spine: PT for Back Pain
Back pain is the leading cause of missed-work days and work limitations (Georgetown Health Policy Institute, 2019)
If a patient has back pain that has persisted for more than 2 weeks, manual physical therapy is needed to expedite healing.
The average net benefit of treating acute low back pain with physical therapy is estimated to $4,160 per episode.
Advanced techniques for the spine
A Grade 5 manipulation occurs when a joint is positioned near its end range of motion during the manual therapy technique with high velocity and low amplitude force application.
The benefits proposed are:
improved range of motion
modulated nerve activity in afferent fibers
altered sympathetic activity and elicited hypoalgesic response
This technique requires advanced training beyond the doctoral level for proficient use. Dr. Tubbesing is COMT level certified.
Life integration
Generalization of new movement patterns is a challenge for many patients. At Cardinal Physical Therapy we will learn about the activities in your life you want to do pain free.
While you build strength and improve compensatory patterns, integrating the skills to your daily lives requires intentional instruction.
Taking time to practice the skills in your job or life impeded by pain, results in lasting improvements. Replicating job and life scenarios and mimicking necessary work motions using aligned form heals and prevents future injury.
We offer treatment for back pain for all patients, including injured workers. We offer comprehensive worker’s compensation physical therapy care.