Manual therapy specialist in Siouxland
Did you see Cardinal Physical Therapy in South Sioux City featured on KTIV News Channel 4, in their HealthBeat 4 segment? The segment highlighted Dr. Tubbesing’s certification in Orthopedic Manual Therapy.
Research has shown manual therapy interventions combined with specific exercise are highly effective.
In some ways manual therapy looks similar to massage, chiropractic, or other therapies. Because PTs are movement specialists, your body will be analyzed for how your unique patterns of movement are impacting your body’s mechanics.
Manual physical therapy has two main goals:
Put your body in a position to have a bigger range of movement
Reduce pain
Manual therapy can reduce pain and restore normal functioning (of soft tissues and joints). Here are some common issues you can get help with through manual therapy:
Lower back Pain (SI pain, sciatica, etc.)
Hip Pain
Knee Pain and Running Discomfort
Shoulder and Elbow Issues (Rotator Cuff, Tennis Elbow)
We are located in Siouxland in South Sioux City, Nebraska. You will find us next to That One Salon, a few blocks East of the Post Office and Police Department.